Minitest: Rerun failed tests
Update: Its now a gem :-)
I finally got around to making a gem to rerun failed tests with Minitest.
Find it on Github here: minitest-rerun-failed
I have started using Minitest instead of RSpec for my Rails testing.
The learning curve was a bit tricky, since they approach testing in somewhat different ways. But Minitest is a joy to use once I got the hang of it. I dont even miss let!
’s at all. In retrospect, I had picked up some bad testing habits. Now my tests are much simpler and more verbose. Thanks to Minitest and Ryan Davis they are also faster.
But: I want to easily rerun failed tests with Minitest
One thing I was missing in Minitest from RSpec was a way to very easily rerun just my failed tests from the last test run.
So I wrote a custom reporter based on Minitest-reporters to do just that.
Installation (outdated - use the gem instead)
- Install Minitest-reporters
- Add the file below to your project
- Include it with Minitest-reporters at the end of the list like this:
# You can put the file wherever you like
require 'your/path/to/failed_tests_reporter.rb'
# ...
Minitest::Reporters.use! [, # This is just my preferred reporter. Use the one(s) you like. true, include_line_numbers: true)
Output of failed tests reporter
List of failed tests
I recommed you add it at the end of the reporters list. When doing so and using the “verbose: true” option , the failed test reporter will output a list of all failed tests at the end of your test run. This will give you a way to easily run single tests in an IDE (I use Rubymine myself) while still having a clear overview of which ones needs fixing.
The Seed
Do you know the minitest seed issue? The seed is displayed only at the top of a test run.
I have worked in many companies with very, very verbose test output. Hundreds of lines of warnings, etc. etc.
This means that the seed is long gone from my terminal scroll history when my tests are finished.
The failed test reporter will output the seed at the end of a test run for exactly this reason.
Failed tests file
When not run with option file_output: false
, the reporter will place a file called .minitest_failed_tests.txt
in the project root. This file lists the failed test files (with line numbers if option include_line_numbers: true
). The path to put the file in is configurable when initializing the reporter.
How to rerun just the failed tests
After running my tests, there will be the new file .minitest_failed_tests.txt
in my project dir.
I can now rerun only failed tests with:
bundle exec rails test $(cat .minitest_failed_tests.txt)
Source code
Source code of Minitest failed tests reporter:
test/support/minitest/reporters/failed_tests_reporter.rb (this is where I like to put it)
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Minitest
module Reporters
# Source:
# License: MIT
# Outputs failed tests to screen and / or file
# Allows to rerun only failed tests with minitest if added to Minitest::Reporters.use!
# Example:
# In test_helper.rb or similar:
# Minitest::Reporters.use! [, true, include_line_numbers: true)]
# Now after a failed test run, rerun failed tests only with: `bundle exec rails test $(cat .minitest_failed_tests.txt)`
class FailedTestsReporter < Minitest::Reporters::BaseReporter
def initialize(options = {})
@options = options
# Include line numbers? (failed_test.rb:42 or just failed_test.rb)
@include_line_numbers = options.fetch(:include_line_numbers, true)
# Output to console?
@verbose = options.fetch(:verbose, true)
# Output to file?
@file_output = options.fetch(:file_output, true)
# What path to file?
@output_path = options.fetch(:output_path, ".")
FileUtils.mkdir_p(@output_path) if @output_path
@output_file_path = File.join(@output_path, ".minitest_failed_tests.txt")
def record(test)
tests << test
def report
failure_paths = []
file_output = []
curdir = FileUtils.pwd
tests.each do |test|
next if test.skipped?
next if test.failure.nil?
# p '============================================='
# p "Failure:\n#{test.class}##{} [#{test.failure.location}]\n#{test.failure.class}: #{test.failure.message}"
# p '============================================='
failure_file_location = find_failure_location(test, curdir)
failure_paths << failure_file_location if failure_file_location
output_results(failure_paths, file_output)
File.write(@output_file_path, file_output.join("\n"), encoding: "UTF-8")
def find_failure_location(test, curdir)
# Build a haystack string from failures and errors to find test file location in
tmp_haystack = []
tmp_haystack << test.failure.location
tmp_haystack << test.to_s
# Add filtered backtrace unless it is an unexpected error, which do not have a useful trace
tmp_haystack << filter_backtrace(test.failure.backtrace).join unless test.failure.is_a?(MiniTest::UnexpectedError)
# Get failure location as best we can from haystack
if @include_line_numbers
failure_file_location = tmp_haystack.join[/(.+_test\.rb:[0-9]+)/, 1]
failure_file_location = tmp_haystack.join[/(.+_test\.rb):[0-9]+/, 1]
return unless failure_file_location
# Make path relative if absolute
failure_file_location.gsub!(curdir, "")
failure_file_location.gsub!(%r{^/}, "")
def output_results(failure_paths, file_output)
return if failure_paths.empty?
headline = @include_line_numbers ? "Failed tests: #{failure_paths.count} (seed #{@options[:seed]}):" : "Failed test files: #{failure_paths.count} (seed #{@options[:seed]}):"
failure_paths.uniq.each do |file_path|
file_output << file_path.to_s
_puts red(file_path.strip)
def _puts(str)
return unless @verbose
def print_padded_comment(line)
puts "##{pad(line)}"
def color?
return @color if defined?(@color)
@color = @options.fetch(:color) do
io.tty? && (
ENV["TERM"] =~ /^screen|color/ ||
ENV["EMACS"] == "t"
def green(string)
color? ? : string
def yellow(string)
color? ? ANSI::Code.yellow(string) : string
def red(string)
color? ? : string